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An example of a post with an extremely long title about something rather interesting, with a quote, tweets, tags and a beautiful image in the header

Morbi cursus eleifend dui, ut pulvinar nibh. Etiam arcu ipsum, mattis ut ultricies quis, venenatis mollis massa. Etiam in pharetra metus. Etiam diam odio, imperdiet et purus et, placerat sodales nulla. Aliquam ut vehicula est. Maecenas faucibus felis orci, dapibus euismod lorem rhoncus vitae. In sed scelerisque est. In massa metus, porta id sollicitudin vitae, pellentesque nec augue. Donec tincidunt leo turpis, non iaculis magna aliquet vitae. 

Proin ut nunc eleifend, sodales ligula vitae, gravida tortor. Phasellus faucibus feugiat arcu vel aliquam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec a neque a tortor ullamcorper volutpat. Aenean iaculis odio sit amet tortor luctus, non eleifend urna placerat. Vivamus eu feugiat felis. Nunc a tellus at lectus dictum ornare.

It’s important to be mindful of the Google and social media potentials for the headline so that it not only attracts readers but also appears to an audience of prospective readers in the first place. the keyword-rich title will give a shout-out to Google so that placement on the search list is the most advantageous. In fact, because the title is one of the most important SEO parameters by which Google ranks the results, it must contain the page’s most important and traffic-driving keywords. To make the title stand out in as few added words as possible makes the difference between lots of clicks and yawns. A good thesaurus and dictionary will prove to be the writer’s best friends in the search for the most original choice of words to augment the keywords in that standout catchy title.


typography, title, long post, business, finance